Request Service
- Fill Accession Form for the respective service
- Pack samples in transport safe containers and label clearly
- Enter sample name on the Accession Form
- Select service on Accession Form
- Sign Accession Form
- Initiate sample shipment: enclose the Accession Form and samples in the shipping package and hand them over to your courier of choice
- Upon sample receival: creation of a service file
- We document arrival time and compliance with the transport conditions (breakage, leakage, temperature if defined e.g. during a validation)
- Compare sample name, vessel label and number
- Feedback to you in case of deviation
- Processing of the samples
- Creation of a result report
- The report will be sent to you in advance by e-mail, the original will be sent by post together with the invoice (in the case of new customers: our accounting team automatically creates an account based on the billing information on the Accession Form).
You can find all Accession Forms here.